Theresa Tomlinson

Hayley Turner
Named Safeguarding Lead and Welfare Officer: Theresa Tomlinson
Safeguarding Lead Support Officer: Hayley Turner
As a club we want to ensure that we provide you with a safe and welcoming environment where you feel you are respected and valued. If you feel unsafe or have any concerns then you should contact one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) in the organisation or confide in a person that you trust (parent, coach or friend). These individuals can contact the DSL on your behalf. We are here to support you.
- All information regarding RLSS UK safeguarding can be found on the RLSS UK Website. As a club we will ensure that all safeguarding concerns and allegations are dealt with in accordance with the RLSS UK National Policy and Practices.
If unavailable, contact the Safeguarding Case Officer and/or the Designated Safeguarding Lead/Deputy Designated Leads at RLSS UK HQ on 0300 3230 096 and follow the prompts.
For out-of-hours support contact 0300 3230 096.